
Post #272 Curcol : Curahat Colongan 21.08.2009


sebuah coret2an di sketch book saya. di bagian kanan agak terpotong, tolong maafkan scanner saya yang setelah 6kali mencoba scan tetap saja hasilnya terpotong begitu (saya masih belum memaafkan).

ini adalah mars kolese gonzaga.


i realized something this afternoon. not a good something – this is why i’m suddenly not in a good mood and really sad. and i should not be sad.

here is my explanation :

to be honest, i can’t write it here or anywhere. it’s just too overwhelmingly sad. i shouldn’t be sad. i felt like this before and it ended badly. i don’t want this time to end badly as well. i’ll do the same though : be supportive no matter what. absolutely 100%.

then, we’ll see.

3 komentar:

Radian 'Jawa' Kanugroho mengatakan...

KEREN! Gile... T_T
Kalo elo bikinnya taun 2006, gw masukin ceplok ke halaman "Mars Gonzaga" di YearBook... T_T

Maria Gabriel Laurenzia Luna mengatakan...

terima kasih studio DG :)

jesbon mengatakan...

kalo gthu ini dimasukin aja ke yearbook angkatan 21.. haha