
Post #427 Either Way I Found Out

well i got this tweet this morning and, oh gosh, i just can’t stop gushing ;)


thanks ivan for the words and erc.prc for retweeting :) i guess, in a way, it’s like a some sort of good wishes soo thanks so much you guys! i love you :)

and most of all i love you dude! cyoong abieza!

Post #426 Indicate Precisely What You Mean to Say

thanks to my dear ole’ grandmama, i’ve been too healthy even for me and more sleepy than ever before.


this is my very healthy-according-to-grandmama routine

green tea when i wake up before i start my whole not-as-hectic-as-Gonzaga day. in the afternoon after classes, i would once more have a cup of nice hot green tea.

why is it healthy?

there are a lot of benefits you can get from consuming green tea, such as it lowers the risk of cancer and stroke & heart diseases, lowers blood pressure, prevents tooth decay, inhibits virus, and promoting weight loss! ;) so try some and get the healthy benefits of green tea now!



saffron/turmeric at night before bed.  it does not just calm your tummy and gives the soothing effect of a good night sleep, but also many healthy benefits ;) one, it’s reduces the hell-like pain girls get during first days of periods :( it also helps to stay in good fit shape and lessen stinky body bio *alert to whoever taking Pak Bhatara’s Law Class! Body Stink is a violation of human right! ;)





for snackage consumption, grandmama gives me wheat cookies. well it also has superb healthy benefits, such as prevents cancer, lowers cholesterols and blood pressure, nutritious, and basically a diet food! LOL ;)




well, i can conclude to myself that my grandmother is trying to make me go on a diet! they are delicious food though. hahaha! and with HI UPH kind of tasks, you’re sure to lose a little weight now and then ;) the exercise? i got that a from walking back and forth from the bus stop to UPH Building F :p not to mention classes in Building B with that kind of stairs ;)


one more good diet is wallet diet ;) i’ve been saving Rp 50.000,- per week, and got the idea from dearest abieza, i hide it in one of my books ;)







well, gotta prepare for the class and cyong will be waking up any time soon ;) TTYL!


Post #425 Like Lovers on the Open Shore

i was just finished with reading skills quiz and now i’m immensely bored and  missing the dude.

cyoooong, hugs and kisses ‘mkay?

soooo, this is the first ever blog i’ve ever write in UPH, LOL ;)

i guess done now, this little lappy ran out of juice, TTYL.

c u soon, cyong :*


Post #424 I Know We Belong

this is a scarf from dearest dude *kissessss!* (btw, i have no freakin’ way on how to rotate this thing)


i have no effin’ clue what to write here and now, but i think i just want to type a lot (girl, you should be doin’ that 5 pages law analysis!). okaaayy, will do. i swear. after this blog ;)

aarrgghh i give up! nothing exciting to bitch about :(

oh oh oh, i just remember ;) tomorrow me and fellow UPH-ers gonna’ attend Peace Seminar with Universitas Kristen Indonesia. The United Nations Information Center held the event in commemorate of International Day of Peace which is tomorrow (September 21!!!) ;) sooo be sure for a long long long post of the seminar tomorrow night (if i’m done with my sweet law assignment tonight or early tomorrow night)

smooches, L


Post #423 It Takes Two to Whisper Quietly

just so you know, i’m writing this just for i can let it out. it is super duper massive unhealthy to keep it inside all by myself. then it strikes me just a second ago, why not share it with the world?!? i have a blog after all! what’s the point of mushy-cry-cry bbm or trashing on twitter (that’s a hell no on the latter, it’s a well earned pinching session from dearest dude, LOL!)

okay, this certain post i was going to write about i didn’t even remember what because there’s a even bigger more massive epic joyous blessing imma’ gonna ‘ write ;)


last night i went out on a dinner with abieza’s mom and dad, sister Kab, brother Agha and, his wifey, Dita :) we went to Midori @ Bintaro Sektor 7. like any other people going to a restaurant, we ordered. and theeeeennnnnnnnnn, oh my gosh oh my gosh! mas agha said that there is an announcement, from him and mba dita ;)

*cue drum roll and cool movie soundtrack!*

mba dita let out a sonogram picture to the table aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnddddddddd ole’ mr. storky gonna’ give a little visit next may :’)


this means, by summer next year, dearest dude ain’t gonna’ be called dude again! it’s definitely uncle timmy :* goossshhh, i just can’t stop gushing *this is exaggerating* but i am sooo happy for the proud soon-to-be-parents :D

all the bestest best wishes for mas agha and mba dita, God bless ya’! hugs and kisses, L ;)


Post #422 No Mountain Too High, No Ocean Too Wide

 i remembered being oh so bored in that damp classroom. didn’t know what to answer more, i merely depending on lady luck.

i don’t want to go out first. then, in front of me, somebody got up and went out. ah, what the hell, i followed.

no more interaction that day, but it was you.

recess bell just rang, people running around like chicken. i was by the door.

you stopped, oh honey you paid attention to a little bit of change.

yet who are you to me that day? we were friends.

we still are

class list.

me: “who the hell is timothy satyaabieza?”

oh, it’s you.

everyday would be like this:

me or you: i have to tell you something!

then we would spent the whole period doing nothing but chat all the way.

something, more something-s, more something-s.

we’re bestfriends.

i can list it all, dear.

your seventeenth birthday present, valentine’s night, school, classes, countless of precious moments.

my bestfriend slapped with the reality that i was falling for you.

“3, 2, 1, see? he’s coming over to you”

really? never believed it, but yea you actually did

so i said to myself, i like you; hell, i’m gonna love you ;)

to this exact moment, everything’s too sweet to write in words.

oh dear, you know i’m not the mushy gosh-i’m-in-love girl on those romance movies.

i’m just not.

i just freakin’ in love with you dude ;)


Post #421 See The Lights, See The Party, The Ball Gowns

selamat malam saudara-saudari terkasih, saya. SAYA, akan memulai sebuah permainan tebak lagu apakah beserta siapa penyanyinya yang kata-katanya saya pakai sebagai judul dari post #420 sampai post #450 :) yang selalu benar dan selalu update jawaban di comment saya hubungi dan segera mengirimkan satu set piring cantik dan sendok-garpunya. mohon diperhatikan saudara-saudari: saya tidak becanda, silahkan ditanggapi dengan serius juga

tapi post ini bukan suatu hal yang serius-seriusan. saya ingin menjawab pertanyaan yang sering dilontarkan kepada saya oleh keluarga, teman-teman terkasih, rukun tetangga, dan pihak-pihak berenang lainnya. maksud saya berwenang.

apa yang lo pelajarin sih di hubungan internasional?

saya mempelajari hubungan dua insan (cielah) antar negara, seluk beluk video call menggunakan provider instant messaging populer, blackberry messanging antar negara, perbedaan jam, dan penyakit malarindu (harap diperhatikan saudara-saudari, BELUM DITEMUKAN OBATNYA *karena abieza-nya masih di negeri orang*). ini saya becanda, mana mungkin saya belajar beginian di kelas –“ tapi apa yang saya uraikan ini betulan, tidak pakai becandaan dan cabenya satu.

yaa cukup posting galau ini saudara-saudari, kita ganti topik di posting satu lagi :)


Post #420 Salagadoola Mechicka Boola

kembali dengan saya, SAYA, dalam semangkuk es teh dan mie ayam manis. IYAAAA, becandaaa! kurang lebih pasnya sebulan saya menjalani karir sebagai mahasiswa baru hubungan internasional 2010 UPH dan yang jauh amat lebih penting anak kos di taman bromo 19.

esensi hidup yang paling penting selama saya menjalani karir ini saya dapatkan bukan dari lecturers di kelas yang dinginnya berlebih, melainkan dari kekosongan perut dan dompet saya akibat diet anak kos dan juga harga buku yang lebay mahalnya; puji Tuhan masih sanggup beli – walau sekarang jarang makan.

esensi hidup yang paling penting itu dapat dirumuskan dengan 1 huruf + 1 angka + 1 huruf lagi = P3K. si akang di tanah kompeni sana mengerti sekali pemahaman tiga karakter tersebut selama meniti masa kerja di salah satu SMA hampir beken di ibukota (baca: KOLESE GONZAGA). tetapi bukan P3K orang sakit yang saya dapatkan melainkan PERTOLONGAN PERTAMA PADA KELAPARAN.

setelah melakukan observasi terjun langsung ke lapangan *nyontek diktat mahaAGUS DEWA IRIANTO dulu*, esensi tersebut adalah:

mie instant, makanan kalengan, delivery, regal, oreo, MIE INSTANT, apapun digoreng tepung

yaa pokoknya lu olang mau ngekos, kuliah di UPH, dan beli buku-buku kuliah di Times Bookstore, dan ngegahul di supermall karawaci paling penting lu olang siap punya itu esensi-esensi just in case uang papah lagi habis ;) *candaaaaa, bapak rektor! sumpah saya becandaaa, nim saya 043201000^^* #lebay

tapi sebelum posting beneran di-post yaa gini sodara-sodara ceritanya. kembali ke studio, SAYA melaporkan live dari saya.