
Post #436 Skinny Dipping in the Dark

this is me with nothing to do, too much randomness in the ole’ noodle, and PLAIN PRANKish MODE ON! *please, if you’re on this post do not kill me!


perhaps from the title you’d think i’d post some of me really skinny dipping but heeeeeeeeelllllllllll nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo!!! *i do want to swim soon but really, i’ve been asking like since before UN and still no response. ANYBODY?!?!?!?!?!?!* but only to remind, the title to the post #450 is a song title: you guess it ‘mmkaay?


this is a random post about a single shirt worn in many occasion *talk about repetitive fashion choice* on different persons! tsk tsk …


left-right: me @ LDK, abieza’s farewell


if you pay not really close attention you’ll see that me and michael keveen siahaan a.k.a. mikey are wearing the same shirt. ummm.. aren’t we really n*sync (oops, that’s a boyband) but really how we end up with the same shirt? well, this the story goes . . . that thing doesn’t belong any of us. it belongs to a person very dear to our hearts . . .



well well well, he has someone dear to his heart too ;)


what i can confirm is that timothy satyaabieza owned the shirt. but hmm, who could possibly give him such hugs? that’s not his girlfriend *jealous mode* that’s not his mum *rise an eyebrow* that’s not his sister or brother *rise the other eyebrow*


guess who it is and if you get it right i‘ll give you a box of oreo star! first five get ‘em *like there’s many people reading this thing* *this is not open for timothy, the person hugging him, and whoever came to the terminal 2D aug 20, 2010*


this is really crappy, aarrrrggghh i’m bored. forget about this *hang myself from my desk* will be back after a brainstorm of randomness attack *sigh*



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