
Post #416 AAAAaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhh is Appropriate

i woke up this morning with a very horrible uncomfortable feeling and i’m pissed all day long because of it. and add that, at only 9am i was curled up in my grandfather’s bed with a blanket, tearful eyes and pookie to wipe ‘em, my blackberry to bitch about it on twitter, and A HORRIBLE PAIN SHOOTING TO MY STOMACH AND CHEST.

grandpapa was out at the time. grandmama was apparently too busy shouting here and there about what the hell my sister’s boyf doing in her room. because my stomach just too upset to care about it so i decided not to give a damn about it.

well, my dear readers, you can truly see that i am not in the best mood: take a look at my language! so here’s the story about my bitter mind and body …

it all started on a very big day in gonzaga, especially for my friends who’s been working awfully (yes, indeed the work was awful) hard on that some say big event. it was only the opening. before the ceremony started, i sneaked passed my ultimate boss to do a very stupid thing: touch the minister’s car (RI 14; he was barely a week in his post as minister!). *oooouukkkaayyy, this is not an important detail*. skip to the chase, after the opening ceremony which i spent recording WBSO under the very horrible heat, i went to look for timothy because i was terribly dizzy and when i found him my head was just awful and he was yellow (well, i saw yellow spots around him, so yes he was yellow to me). i went home sooo early that day and off to the doctor.

“liver. rest, no school. be back here next week and i live in the same neighborhood as boediono.”


it was november 3rd, 2009. went to school on the 5th to take a remedial test and the rest was hell. sum it up, made it back to school after a week bed rest (which a week should be a month; so timmy said and later the doctor).

well, that resulted in massive weight loss, loads of nights on the bathroom floor (literally!) throwing up, weeks of not drinking milk (this is hell for me: milk is the main source of my appetite and weight gain), and all that yada yada …

“upper right side of my tummy just below the right boob. and when that hurts, it would go right through to the chest and the most awful nausea.”

#nowplaying california gurls – katy perry; #nowwatching twitter for blackberry & blackberry messenger; congrats to miroslav klose, podolski, matthew upson; good luck for frank lampard; the ref, may you go home in one peace, dude –> twitter ain’t your friend on this match.

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