
Post #26 Canilens 1984 - Gonzaga 2010?


canisius lens angkatan empat

tahun sembilan belas delapan puluh empat

delapan tahun sebelum sembilan belas sembilan puluh dua

sekarang dua ribu delapan; mencari alumni susah yaa :)


"excuse me, im looking for an alumni of CC"

"class of...?"

"canilens 1984; he goes by the name of A. Agy Marmanto"

"oh, him. dunno. sorry"

"nee, youve been a great help. he is a canisian?"

"yes. im sure."


lima belas tahun menunggu dan bertanya

"lun, bapak lo sodaranya bapak gue"


i know the moment i step in to the school

i'll found my father

i was very sure of that, long before i enrolled

since i could remember that school; since i know that school

the only precise reason i went to Kolese Gonzaga

only a step away

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