
Post #350 2010 Resolution

okay, the new year 2010 is ringing in so very sooon! as 2010 coming in, i have few things i’d like to accomplish for the next 12months:

  1. i’m already accepted in Universitas Pelita Harapan with SCHOLARSHIP (thanks JESUS!!!!!!) so i’m going to do so good and well and awesome during college and just be the best :) i’m planning to be real serious on college and just studying! (to be honest, my family can’t afford if i don’t help myself up with grades so that after bachelor degree i can go anywhere :NETHERLAND: on bigger scholarship! :’) LOL!)
  2. graduate from Kolese Gonzaga with top grades. my target: AT LEAST, top 10 IPS!
  3. (wishlist): to have my grandparents called to the stage during graduation because i accomplish something good (like highest mark in english UN. i’m just being realistic here, i’m freakin’ good!) :’)
  4. get a job during free time after exams and before college (maybe continue teaching @PJJHS or photography somewhere)
  5. timothy to accomplish in everything that he wants to achieve
  6. buy meself an iPhone 3G! (that’s why i want a job in the first place. i want this so bad and so determined to work to have one)
  7. (this is one of the most important of all resolutions) GRADUATED FROM SENAT KOLESE GONZAGA 2009/2010 hahaha! i love you all so much : danu almo putri raissa rosa andriy aby kezia manyu endar | you guys are the best set of leaders ever! i’m going to miss working and having fun with all of you :) best wishes for dearest senators ;)
  8. be more more more good on photography and blogging!
  9. be more more more good in taking care of meself and dress a lot better ;)
  10. JAVA JAZZ 2010!

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