
Post #121 Wishlist

i really want these things...

books :
1. The Alchemist : The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott
2. Brida by Paul Coelho
3. Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
4. Maryamah Karpov by Andrea Hirata
5. If Only They Could Talk by James Herriot
6. Magyk; Flyte; Physik; Queste by Septimus Heap
7. The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly
8. MICROTRENDS - The Small Forces Behind Today`s Big Changes by Marc J. Penn
9. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
10. The Kite Runner; A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
11. Membongkar Kegagalan CIA by Tim Weiner
12. The Boy Who Ate Stars by Kochka
13. Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery
14. Ways to Live Forever by Sally Nichols
15. The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch

songs - cd's :
1. Nu Buzz (ngga pernah kesampean dah!)
2. Jazz Up The Beatles
3. Memory Almost Full - Paul McCartney

movies :
1. The Illusionist
2. The Black Dahlia
3. Meet The Robinsons

movie diatas mungkin agak oldies dan bukunya banyaaaaak banget, tapi emang gue cinta mati sama buku. tapi cinta gue lebih ke buku-buku fantasi, out of the ordinary, dan lebay. ahaaha. tapi serius, daripada teenlit atau novel romansa ngga jelas yang sebagaimana bagus review-nya, tetep sampah di mata gue. aduuh! haha! rasanya seneng aja, ditantang masuk ke imajinasi terdalam, ke fantasi fantasi ngga masuk akal. marvelous. atau yang semacam edensor, bayangin eropa aja udah epilepsi mendadak gue. indah.

naah, kalo teenlit gitu, apa asiknya? cuma jadi tambah pinter gombal, dan yang jelas, ngga realistis. konyol! t*i ah. haha.

buat movies : the illusionist itu sungguh indah. perjuangan seseorang untuk dapat bersama dengan cintanya. gila! bagus banget. dan the black dahlia itu karena gue belom pernah nonton dan bayangin aja : seorang aktris pengen jadi terkenal walau aktingnya ngga bagus2 amat, malah jadi super terkenal karena dibunuh dan mukanya di-carved ala Joker gitu. Meet The Robinsons karena ceritanya tentang pencarian jati diri dan keluarga. Lewis yang ngga berhenti mengharap punya keluarga, mungkin sama kayak gue aja :)

i really want to spend all of my designing money to buy all of those books.
but it's an irresponsible, immature, dumb, irational decision.
my future is right around the corner and that money is going to take me to Utrecht, NL!

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