
Post #220 What is it with Grown-Ups?

Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules, et c'est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours et toujours leur donner des explications

Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to have to explain things to them always and forever

quoted from the very famous novella by Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Le Pétit Prince (The Little Prince).

sometimes children just can’t wait to grow up. tired of all the rules and everything. and then, there are grown ups  who just wishing they were back as a kid. and sometimes, they’re the same person. pathetic.

Le langage est source de malentendus

Language is the source of misunderstandings

still quoted from the same novella.

it is true. one mistaken word – even in the same language where both two sides are speaking in – can turn into a huge deal; commonly known as : MISUNDERSTANDING. many had suffered because of this and not less had died. true? you’ll guess.

i’m a kid, i guess. i don’t like numbers. that statement i put on the par. before this, grown ups would ask for numbers.

sometimes, everybody expects everybody else to understand them. everybody expects everybody else to act mature. everybody expects everybody else to think outside the box.

then, sometimes, what happen next is nobody understand anybody. nobody act their own responsibility. everybody forget what is already in the box.

Les enfant seuls savent ce qu’ils cherchent

Only children know what they are looking for

children. they are so blunt, they are perfect. every human being, no matter what the age, are a child. it is just, do you know the child in you?

it’s good to be a king, but it’s better to be a kid, L.

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