
Post #71 High School

You know it's kind of hard
Just to get along today.
Our subject isn't cool.
Pretty Fly -- The Offspring

something you would relate, huh?
haha (sarcastic, here!)

freshman year
then sophomore
and there's junior
finally SENIOR year :P

untuk yang high school cuma 3 tahun
2 tahun freshman years
dan senior year
lulus jadi freshman lagi kan?

the geeks, the outcasts, the goth, the losers
they sit in the corners of the cafeteria

and there's

the populars, the cheerleaders, the jocks, the b*tch
they rule the school

tidak hanya di negara tertentu
high school yaa high school
a d*mned superficial world

the best worst four (or three) years of your life!

man, that's cool!

current playlist :
1. pretty fly -- the offspring
2. 7 things -- miley cyrus
3. smile for you -- dewa argon
4. fools rush in -- anon
5. 10.000 nights of thunder -- alphabeat

p.s. : if you do know those songs, you might know why i'm talking crazy and singing off-key to the beats :P
do understand :)

2 komentar:

Audrey mengatakan...

I enjoy reading your blog : )

yeeeeha you put 10,000 nights of thunder on your playlist (awesome!) :DDD

Anonim mengatakan...

luna! azek" punya ni blognya. hehe!
duh. high school is fantastic :)